Senin, 03 Juni 2013


Jika pertanyaan positif, maka question tags harus negatif.

1.     Ana  is reading, isn’t she ?Yes, she is
2.    I am beautiful, aren’t  I ?Yes, you are
3.    I am lazy, aren’t I ?Yes, you are
4.    You are busy, aren’t you ?Yes, I am
5.    We are in the right way, aren’t we ?Yes, we are
6.    Jason was in his school, wasn’t he ?Yes, he was
7.    Mom was at home last friday, wasn’t she ?Yes, she was
8.    They were ill last week, weren’t they ?Yes, they were
9.    You have a car, haven’t you ?Yes, I have
10.  Maria  has finished her  job, hasn’t she ?Yes, she has

Jika pernyataannya negative. Maka question tag harus positif.
1.    That bag isn’t Mom’s, is it ?No, it isn’t
2.    Anto  isn’t writing, is he ?No, he isn’t
3.    I am not lazy, am I ?No, you aren’t
4.    You aren’t busy , are you ?No, I am not
5.    You haven’t any tea, have you ?No, you haven’t
6.    Fani is not going to sing, is she ?No, she isn’t
7.    Ricky  is not going to travel, is he ?No, he isn’t
8.    Dad doesn’t speak english, does he ?No, he doesn’t
9.    Your dog doesn’t like cheese, does it ?No, it doesn’t
10.  You didn’t write the letter, did you ?No, I didn’t

1.      Rumus condtional sentence type 1

If +simple present tense, Simple future tense
Simple future tense + if + simple present tense

Example :
1.      If he has my telephone number, he will call me.
2.      i will buy a motorcycle, if i have money.
3.      My sister will go to Bali, if she has a lot of money.
4.      If I have a lot of money, I will buy a house.
5.      I will sleep if I am sleepy.
6.      If my father has much money, he will buy a new house.
7.      If we have study, the exam will so easy.

2.      Rumus conditional sentence type 2

If   +  Simple past tense,  Past future tense
Past future tense + if + simple past tense

Example :
1.      If I found her telephone number, I would call her.
2.      I would come his home, if I found him address.
3.      If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay in village.
4.      If dad had the money, he would buy a car.
5.      If I met her, I would go with her.
6.      If I found her address, I would send her an invation.
7.      If I had the money, I would go to Bali.

3.      Rumus conditional type III
If  + Past perfect + , + Past future perfect tense
Past future perfect tense + if + past perfect


1.      If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
2.      If I hadn’t worked, I wouldn’t have payed my bill.
3.      If Ana had had the money, she would have bought a diamond.  
4.      If we had studied, we would have passed the exam.
5.      If I had saved money, I would have fought to Europe.
6.      If I had met her, I would have gone with her.
7.      If we had come too late, we wouldn’t have gone from here.

Adjective adalah Kata sifat
Example :
1.      The woman  is Diligent
2.      He is a Handsome
3.      The Girl is Funny
4.      He is a bad boy
5.      The House is sweet
6.      This is a new shoes
7.      The man is strong
8.      This is a true story
9.      My eyes is beautiful
10.  she has blue eyes


Example :

1.      I never play chess
2.      We usually wake up  at 5 pm
3.      They are living in Jakarta now
4.      He always eat fruits
5.      The cat almost hit a car
6.      I sometimes sing dan dance
7.      I never drink coffee
8.      I ever stay in Bali
9.      I just listen to the radio
10.  I often come too late

D.    SO & SUCH
So ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), atau noun phrase yang diawali dengan determiner many, muchfew, dan little.
Rumus :
so + adjective/adverb/many,much,few,little
Example :
1.      She  so beautifully
2.      They are so smart and diligent.
3.      I want to share so many stories.
4.      I love him so much.
5.      So many times to meet you
6.      He so Handsome
7.      We need money so much
8.      My mom so beautiful
9.      We hate speak French so much
10.  The man so good.

Such diikuti oleh singular noun dengan artikel a atau plural noun.
Rumus :
such + singular noun (a …)/plural noun
Example :       
1.                  Pondok indah  is such an expensive House.
2.                  The Harris Hotel  is such a good hotel
3.                  The Kuta Beach is such a crowded.
4.                  They discussed such a hot issue.
5.                  Bali is Such beautiful  Island
6.                  The Night is such Cold.
7.                  The Weather was such Hot.
8.                  I was such Tired.
            9.                  The exam is such difficult.
10.              The market was such wet because the rain.

yes or no questions" jenis kalimat tanya ini hanya memberikan ide jawaban "YA" dan "TIDAK".
Example :
1.                  Do you have money ?
2.                  Do you love me ?
3.                  Is you Indonesian ?
4.                  Does he like you ?
5.                  Will you marry me ?
6.                  Are you Ready ?
7.                  Does He go to work ?
8.                  Have you eaten ?
9.                  Will you stay her ?
10.                 Do we  go to the School ?

F.     A FEW & FEW
Few (a few)  digunakan dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat positif.
Example :
1.    Very few of people understand her
2.    Very few people go to the beach.
3.    John  writes few Notes.
4.    Ana  reads few magazine.
5.    Very few apples in the Basket
6.    Very few ants in the room
7.    He has a few dogs in his Home
8.    The flower has only a few leaves
9.    My aunt bought a few Apples
10.  I get a few eggs

Little (a little)  digunakan dengan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung dan biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat positif.
Example :
1.      Very little rain falls in the Summer.
2.      My Mom  spends very little money for Shopping.
3.      SHe drinks a little Tea.
4.       very little ink in this markers.
5.      There is a little sugar in the coffe.
6.      There is a little Milk in the Glass
7.      We have only a little Drink.
8.      Jack drinks very little beer.
9.      My Dad leaves very little money.
10.  There is a little honey in the bottle.

Dapat berlaku sebagai kata sifat atau kata ganti yang digunakan bersama kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung atau yang tak dapat dihitung.

1.    There is enough rice  for dinner.
2.    We haven’t enough Money
3.    We  are enough time for listen your story
4.    There are enough apples for me.
5.    She has enough time to make up at Beauty Salon.
6.    I have enough money go to Bali.
7.    This story boos is simple enough.

Because = karena
Digunakan sebelum kalimat yang terdapat subjek dan kata kerja (jika berupa kalimat verbal) atau kata bantu (jika berupa kalimat nominal).

           Example :
1.      I  pass the exam because I study.
2.      I love the dog because it is funny.
3.      I am busy because I am working now.
4.      We are lunch because we hungry
5.      My mom will go home because my brother sick.

Because of = karena/dikarenakan
Digunakan sebelum kata benda (noun), kata ganti milik (possessive pronoun) atau gerund (kata kerja+ing)

Example :
1.      He has sick because of you.
2.      He is here because of The invation
3.      She stay here because of his wants
4.      She crying because of him.
5.      I pass the exam because of you.

Kelas : 4 EA 17

NPM : 13209296

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